Tuesday, 20 October 2020

 Hi my name is William and this is what I leaned about Media in todays' leaning. Media can be a lot of things. You can find Media in many places such as Newspapers, TV, Posters ,Websites and more. Media is information. Think you for reading this.

Friday, 18 September 2020

  For the past few days the weather in Kumara has been really bad. Kumara has had  big thunderstorms and it has been raining for 5 days. That is crazy. It has hailed a few times and the rain was really heavy.

Sunday, 13 September 2020


 on the weeked what now was at the fish an chip shop in kumara and we were on tv after that me and James whet moter bikeing we were out there for 1 hour we did some jumpes and I had a crash and we did some skids

Thursday, 10 September 2020

 Topic: the one dinosaur that survived

      The one dinosaur that survivedby William A

64 million years ago one day there was a t rex and his name was t rex because 64 million years ago there no names and t rex was only 1 year old out of his 100 years the live for t rex looks like this he has a red stripe down his back he has raser sap teeth like a shark alon side his red stripe he has a grey a stripe and the rest of his body is brown and right now he is the size of school deck and this is how big the deck are 70cm by 56 he was small and vanrabill but he had he brothers and he mother and they were strong you know i am going to give t rex a name t rex is now Bob and Bobs mother and brothers took him out to his first hanting lesin what is that.. Thing Bob thought to himself his brother said it was a gallimimus but Bob did’t 

Friday, 4 September 2020

Tabs is a fun game where you can put made up characters out to battle and no it is not violent. It is nothing like that. Tabs stand for totally accurate battle simulator. In tabs you can do different maps and in those maps you can find secrets I will tell you som of the names. There is a rapper and a jester and a boloen archer or tho that's only the ones I have there are weah more than 3 secret characters the characters look so silly in tabs here is a photo of them

Totally Accurate Battle Simulator: Dynasty Is Officially TABS' Sexiest  Faction - IGNin tabs you can slow down time and make it in slow motion or you can stop time your chose you can do anything you want you can do levs or sandbox sandbox means that you can get any characters. No matter what there chost but sadly you can only have 30 on both sides but that is still a lot of googly eyed Warriors I can’t get over how silly they look if you are looking for a new battling game I wood recommend tabs.

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Friday, 3 July 2020


Kiwi’s eat their favourite food and that is worms luckily for them NZ is rich with worms so kiwi’s never get hungry. Every night kiwi’s are are full.

Kiwi only live in NZ out of the whole entire world so if you want to see a kiwi you got to come to NZ.

You can find a Kiwi Centre in Hokitika.

A surprisingly known fact about kiwi’s is that they have whiskers a bit like a cat does.

There are 68,000 kiwi’ in NZ. That's a lot if you ask me and it is a lot of  kiwi’s for one little country.

Kiwi’s main danger is dogs and other things like losing its habitat,people, dogs, and bushfires and others.

There are more than 200 native birds in NZ here are some that I like.

This is what it looks like in a kiwi centre. It is really cool in there.
And this is how to kiwi lost its wings. the maori legend is  the gods came down from the clouds to the forest floor and said can one of you birds eat the grubs on the forest floor and the gods said to all the birds go to the forest floor and anle one of the birds said yes and that was the kiwi so the kiwi sacrificed its wing to save the tree

Do you know that kiwis can climb trees and they can run up to (19 km/h) that is fast for a kiwi.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

my and James pot tap onto a toth and then we colured in the tap and then we when into a dark room and sined the thoth and it was a colured ligh

new closes

so me the James got new closes and here is a photo off my new closes
it is really comfittlbe

Tuesday, 23 June 2020


Kiwi’s eat their favorite food and that is worms luckily for them nz is rich with worms so kiwi’s never get hongy every night kiwi’s they are full.

Kiwi only live in nz out of the whole entire world so if you want to see a kiwi you got to come to nz.

You can find i kiwi centre in hokitika if you live in kumara and you want to get to kiwi centre you go to the 

mine road and you go the Opposite way from Christchurch and then after awhile you get to a roned about keep going do not do the tran then you will get to hokitika and it’s to harde for me to explain now.

A surprisingly a known fact about kiwi is that they have whiskers. 

There are 68,000 kiwi’ in nz thats a lot if you ask me.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

y you should do homework

We should do homework because it helps people remember things like math and how to spell words. For a really long time. 
If you have a math problem. That you can’t work out. You can with basic facts homework. That's why you should do math homework.

And the only bad and annoying thing about homework. If you want to play a game before bed you can't because you will have to do homework.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

best ice cram

This is the best ice cream that my class likes before we got the graphs we had to go and ask your class mates

Monday, 15 June 2020

when i broke my arm

When I broke my arm I was playing hockey with Jenson. And I was jumping over my hockey stick and I
failed one of my jumps and I. fell and I broke my arm it felt like somebody had shot my arm. It felt like
somebody had hit my arm with a sledgehammer. 
When I got to the hospital they put me to sleep and when I woke up my arm was all wrapped up in a cast.
And I felt so weird it was like the whole world was spinning one milton miles per hour spinning.
                 🙊WHY I THINK🙊 🙊Animals should🙊 🙊Be  kept in zoos🙊 
I think animals should be kept in zoos because most of the time the animals that are in the enclosures are either rescue animals or they will be released back into the wild. Animals in the enclosures get food and they don't have to hunt for it which is much better because then the animals don't get hurt and they get a much longer life then how are they would in the wild. And it gets people to have an experience to be up close with animals and it's much better for animals when they are in zoos. And the animals that are in the enclosure look like the animals in the wild. Poachers kill animals like rhinos and chop their horns chop off when they are in the wild. It’s the same with other animals in the wild that have tusks like ele

anac day

Anzac day is about how NZ and Australian joined together for world war 1 and 2.

We have to do the ceremonies because it is how we can respect the people
that had died in the war and for the sacrifices that were made. And it is also
about the people that survived. 

The Australian Imperial Force (AIF) badges 1914-1918 | The ...

The Anzac Day ceremonies are held on the 25th of april.

gingey the cat

gingey is a cat gingey is a werd cat and some how gingey likes dogs!!
this is gingey sleeping on the couch she like to sleep on the couch

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Weekend recuont

Weekend recuont

On saturday Dad James and I took the dog for a walk in the bush. In the afternoon it was raining so Dad said James and I can go on the xbox.

Sunday it was still raining so we all watched the new Jumanji film and I thought it was really good.
